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๐Ÿ“ Python ๐Ÿ - active screen cursor movement

๐Ÿ“… | โฐ 1 minutes

Sometimes, I need to let the computer running so I can monitor logs or make some application not goes to sleep. So I use this python script to make random mouse movement and pressing some keyboard stroke on some interval of time.

import time as t
import random as rand
from pynput.mouse import Controller as mouseController
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller, Listener
import keyboard as keyb

# This function will move the cursor and 
# press 'space' every couple of seconds

def active_cursor_mover():
    start = t.time()
    mouse = mouseController()
    keyboard = Controller()

    while True:
        # Random movements
        movedirX = rand.randint(-100, 100)
        movedirY = rand.randint(-100, 100)

        mouse.move(movedirX, movedirY)

        # Every _ seconds
        t.sleep(2.0 - ((t.time() - start) % 2))

if __name__ == '__main__':

You need 2 python package to make it run

pip install pynput keyboard

so use ‘venv’ or any python virtual enviroment and run the script. She will do the job…

Posted by: Hugo


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