📝 Use this : PowerPing - Advanced Windows Ping

📅 | ⏰ 4 minutes

Today I found one tool called as “PowerPing”, I found this tool while searching if there is any available OSS that can generate graph when ping to network.

Look like it have lot of features and as advance tools of ping utilities as it claimed.

C:\ROBBI>.\PowerPing.exe --help
PowerPing v1.3.5 (r0)
__________                         __________.__
\______   \______  _  __ __________\______   \__| ____    ____
 |     ___/  _ \ \/ \/ // __ \_  __ \     ___/  |/    \  / ___\
 |    |  (  <_> )     /\  ___/|  | \/    |   |  |   |  \/ /_/  >
 |____|   \____/ \/\_/  \___  >__|  |____|   |__|___|  /\___  /
                            \/                       \//_____/

        Advanced ping utility - Provides geoip querying, ICMP packet
        customization, graphs and result colourization.

Ping Arguments:
    --infinite      [--t]            Ping the target until stopped (Ctrl-C to stop)
    --ipv4          [--4]            Force using IPv4
    --random        [--rng]          Generates random ICMP message
    --dontfrag      [--df]           Set 'Don't Fragment' flag
    --buffer        [--rb]  number   Sets recieve buffer size (default is 5096)
    --beep          [--b]   number   Beep on timeout (1) or on reply (2)
    --count         [--c]   number   Number of pings to send
    --timeout       [--w]   number   Time to wait for reply (in milliseconds)
    --ttl           [--i]   number   Time To Live for packet
    --interval      [--in]  number   Interval between each ping (in milliseconds)
    --type          [--pt]  number   Use custom ICMP type
    --code          [--pc]  number   Use custom ICMP code value
    --size          [--s]   number   Set size (in bytes) of packet (overwrites packet message)
    --message       [--m]   message  Ping packet message
    --timing        [--ti]  timing   Timing levels:
                                        0 - Paranoid    4 - Nimble
                                        1 - Sneaky      5 - Speedy
                                        2 - Quiet       6 - Insane
                                        3 - Polite      7 - Random

Display Arguments:
    --shorthand     [--sh]           Show less detailed replies
    --displaymsg    [--dm]           Display ICMP message field contents
    --timestamp     [--ts]           Display timestamps (add 'UTC' for Coordinated Universal Time)
    --fulltimestamp [--fts]          Display full timestamps with localised date and time
    --nocolor       [--nc]           No colour
    --symbols       [--sym]          Renders replies and timeouts as ASCII symbols (add '1' for alt theme)
    --requests      [--r]            Show request packets
    --notimeouts    [--nt]           Don't display timeout messages
    --quiet         [--q]            No output (only affects normal ping)
    --resolve       [--res]          Resolve hostname of response address from DNS
    --inputaddr     [--ia]           Show input address instead of revolved IP address
    --checksum      [--chk]          Display checksum of packet
    --requireinput  [--ri]           Always ask for user input upon completion
    --limit         [--l]   number   Limits output to just replies(1), requests(2) or summary(3)
    --decimals      [--dp]  number   Num of decimal places to use (0 to 3)
    --low                   number   Defines the low response time threshold (which times are coloured green)
    --mid                   number   Defines the mid response time threshold (which times are coloured yellow)
    --high                  number   Defines the high response time threshold (which times are coloured red)

    --scan          [--sc]  address  Network scanning, specify range ""
    --flood         [--fl]  address  Send high volume of pings to address
    --graph         [--g]   address  Graph view
    --location      [--loc] address  Location info for an address
    --listen        [--li]  address  Listen for ICMP packets on specific address
    --listen        [--li]           Listen for ICMP packets on all local network adapters
    --whois                 address  Whois lookup for an address
    --whoami                         Location info for current host

    --log           [--f]   path     Logs ping output to a file (path is optional)
    --help          [--?]            Displays this help message
    --version       [--v]            Shows version and build information

Written by Matthew Carney [[email protected]]
You can find the project and it's source code here: https://github.com/Killeroo/PowerPing

C:\ROBBI>.\PowerPing.exe robbi.my --infinite --timestamp --shorthand --resolve --graph

        100 ─┐
         90 ─┤                                           ▄
             ┤                                           █
         80 ─┤                                           █▄           ▄
             ┤                                           ██  █    ▄   █
         70 ─┤      ▄                  ▄                 ██  █    █  ██
             ┤      █        ▄        ▄█   █▄         ▄  ██▄ █    █  ██ █ ▄   ▄
         60 ─┤   ▄█ █ ▄█  █  █▄▄      ██   ██ █       █ ██████  ▄██▄ ██ ███   █   ▄
             ┤█▄ ██ █ ██  █ ████▄   █ ██   ██▄█      ▄█ ██████ ▄███████████   █▄█ █
 Round   50 ─┤██ ██▄█████▄█ █████▄ ███████ ████▄ ▄  ▄█████████▄████████████▄▄██████
  Trip       ┤██████████████████████████████████▄█▄████████████████████████████████
  Time   40 ─┤█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  (MS)       ┤█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
         30 ─┤█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
         20 ─┤█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
         10 ─┤█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
           0 └▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀─

              Ping Statistics:
              Destination [ robbi.my ]
                 Sent: 100        Received: 100        Average: -65.3ms
              Current: 57.6ms         Lost: 0             Peak: 89.7ms
              Time Elapsed: 00:01:54

C:\ROBBI>.\PowerPing.exe robbi.my --infinite --timestamp --shorthand --resolve

Pinging :
Reply from:  type=ECHO REPLY TTL=57 time=48.0ms @ 23:44:06
Reply from:  type=ECHO REPLY TTL=57 time=51.4ms @ 23:44:11
Reply from:  type=ECHO REPLY TTL=57 time=55.3ms @ 23:44:17
Reply from:  type=ECHO REPLY TTL=57 time=48.4ms @ 23:44:22
Reply from:  type=ECHO REPLY TTL=57 time=49.1ms @ 23:44:28

--- Stats for ---
   General: Sent [ 6 ], Received [ 5 ], Lost [ 0 ] (0% loss)
     Times: Min [ 48.0ms ], Max [ 55.3ms ], Avg [ 50.4ms ]
     Types: Good [ 5 ], Errors [ 0 ], Unknown [ 0 ]
Started at: 9/7/2024 11:44:01 PM (local time)
   Runtime: 00:00:31.2

The only withdraw is tool lack of documentation and only working on Windows CMD. I did try with powershell and git-windows, seem it does’t work properly. So, you must use it via CMD only.

You may find PowerPing on github here , have fun with it!

Posted by: Robbi Nespu


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